How a Brain Injury Led Cameron Fathauer into a New Career as an Attorney

Cameron Fathauer

Cameron Fathauer was well on his way to become a minister when an accident changed his life.  On a normal day in September, he was hit by a car outside of his parents' home which left him in a coma for 2 1/2 weeks.  Once out of the coma he had to learn how to do everything we take for granted all over again.  His now wife never left his side and was determined they would be married even if he had to spend his life in a wheelchair.  Cameron has never lost his faith and most likely his faith is even stronger than ever.  However, Cameron did some amazing.  He decided to go to school to become an attorney.  In this episode we discuss faith, struggles, his passion to spread brain injury awareness and his wonderful book "Saving the subject, How I found you when I almost lost me" I can't stress enough how proud I am of all of his accomplishments.  I can't help but think he has only just begun.  I am so thankful that our paths have crossed, and I am proud to call him a friend.  His book is available on amazon, and I do hope you will support him and read this wonderful book.

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