Discussion about Misophonia

Rob and Ashley 

In the final part of our one-year anniversary, we discuss the topic of Misophonia. This is a condition that many people have that makes some sounds unbearable to listen to. Sometimes it can even be things others can't even hear but you.

The Anniversary Show

This is our first of many milestones to come. We celebrated our 1st podcast anniversary by thanking all of our subscribers. I surprised Ashley with a parody of the Twelve days of Christmas, which I titled the Twelve days of Brain-mas. The song is meant to show that even though people with brain injuries deal with several symptoms. We can still laugh and show the world we are more than our injuries. We are warriors fighting a battle, and we are determined to win.

Ashley gave us an update on the health of her sweet cat Angel, who has been having health issues and of course with those issues comes mounting medical bills. We have never asked our audience for any monetary donations in the past, and we do not intend to make a habit of it. We let everyone know that if they have the ability to throw a few dollars towards Angels bills, they can do so through our buy me a coffee link, or to visit Ashley’s go fund me account. Fundraiser by Ashley Miller : Help us with Angel’s extensive medical needs

Our official topic for the anniversary show was for misophonia. Misophonia in simple terms is a condition that many of us have regarding noises. Does the sound of someone blowing their nose send you into a state of panic? Perhaps it might be the sound of people chewing, for me the faint sounds of a ticking analog clock will raise my anxiety. This is just one of many things that could cause someone with a brain injury to become easily distracted, nervous, anxious, and the list goes on. What might not be noticeable to someone without a brain injury, can send someone with one in a tailspin. I felt that Ashley hit the nail on the head with this topic as we were entering the holidays at the time of filming this episode. What a perfect way to give a heads up to our viewers to take extra special care of themselves during this time. It was also a great reminder to those without any neuro deficits to be mindful of what’s going on so that they can be proactive and prepared to help their loved one when they get stuck in the fight or flight mode.

I hope you find this blog beneficial, and I welcome any suggestions you may have to make this something that can be a useful tool for survivors. This is the first of many to come. I will be going back and archiving all of the episodes on this page. I felt this would make it very handy to have a quick reference to show topics that you may want to share with others.

Part one

Part 2 two

Janet Schoen Life coach and author

Janet, who is a brain injury survivor, shares her story how she got her brain injury.  You will learn in this two-part series how she overcame every obstacle that her brain injury threw at her.  She is now a life and mindset coach, and she has cowritten 2 best-selling books.

Our discussion went deep with faith 

Part One

Part Two

Changing workplace safety

A return guest to our podcast, Michael Coss shares with us a new program that he is excited about.  Michael who survived a roll over accident that left him in a coma, Shares with us his positive outlook that helped him get to where he is today.  The doctors said he would never walk, talk or feed himself again and today he is able to do all of those things.  Michael is passionate about brain in jury awareness as well as workplace safety.  Michael came up with an interesting approach to making the workplace safer.  Here is a link to his website. 

King Henry VIII

Ashley returns to the podcast after a short break.  The podcast is never the same when she is unavailable.  Ashley insists that I continue when she can’t record.  Getting information that is helpful, inspiring and useful to our viewers is at the top of both of our lists.  I let Ashley pick the topic this week and she chose to talk about King Henry VIII.  It is well documented that he had many blows to the head as well as concussions.  For this reason alone, it is a safe bet that his dramatic change in demeanor what due to his brain injury.  

You will find that Ashley is a wealth of knowledge about the subject of King Henry VIII.  I admire her dedication to being very thorough with her research and presentation.  I know you will love this two part series. 

Part One

Part Two

How a Brain Injury Led Cameron Fathauer into a New Career as an Attorney

Cameron Fathauer was well on his way to become a minister when an accident changed his life.  On a normal day in September, he was hit by a car outside of his parents' home which left him in a coma for 2 1/2 weeks.  Once out of the coma he had to learn how to do everything we take for granted all over again.  His now wife never left his side and was determined they would be married even if he had to spend his life in a wheelchair.  Cameron has never lost his faith and most likely his faith is even stronger than ever.  However, Cameron did some amazing.  He decided to go to school to become an attorney.  In this episode we discuss faith, struggles, his passion to spread brain injury awareness and his wonderful book "Saving the subject, How I found you when I almost lost me" I can't stress enough how proud I am of all of his accomplishments.  I can't help but think he has only just begun.  I am so thankful that our paths have crossed, and I am proud to call him a friend.  His book is available on amazon, and I do hope you will support him and read this wonderful book.